Caravan to Oz is a memoir of The Harris Family’s artistic and personal journey. The story begins on the cusp of America’s explosive social, cultural and artistic revolution of the 1960s and culminates with the impact and aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001. Life and art collide in this candid, often flamboyant, family memoir. Between their tiny garage theatre in Florida and thundering acclaim on the stages of New York and Europe, the Harris family reinvented itself in the off-off Broadway crucible. Their passion and creativity sparked powerful new forms of theater and political expression. Caravan to Oz is narrated by family members and guests including Oscar-winning actor/director Tim Robbins, theater producers Ellen Stewart, Crystal Field and Ritsaert ten Cate, playwrights Robert Patrick and Robert Heide, filmmakers Scott Morris and Mike Figgis, and educator John Bernhardt. It’s not easy raising six kids in the arts. But the outlier Harrises answer every challenge on their personal yellow brick road with courage and commitment. Their pioneering journey offers something to anyone who is driven by a dream.
Flower Power Man is the biography of theater artist George Harris III, aka Hibiscus (1949-1982). On October 21, 1967, at eighteen years of age, George became the subject of photojournalist Bernie Boston's famous 1967 photo, "Flower Power." The book recounts inspiring events of the 1960s and 70s relating to theater, politics, gender and the LGBTQ communities. It is written by members of his family, with essays and photographs contributed by friends, colleagues, and others who are inspired by his life’s work and legacy. Foreword by Pam Tent, Introduction by Kembrew McLeod, Edited by Walter Michael Harris.